Cities across the region, including Renton, are conducting public meetings via teleconference per King County recommendations to slow the spread of COVID-19. Newcastle joins those ranks on Tuesday, when the City Council meeting will be held via Zoom video conference. Members of the public will still have a chance to listen, watch and participate.
In keeping with the Local Health Officer Order, dated March 11, 2020, the City encourages older adults and individuals with underlying medical conditions (including employees) that are at increased risk of serious COVID-19 not to attend in person the March 17, 2020 Regular City Council Meeting. However, there will be a speaker available for the public to listen just outside the doors of Newcastle City Hall (on the second floor) on the night of the meeting. Still, in the interest of public health, the City STRONGLY encourages all citizens to instead watch and listen from the comfort of their own home.
— Residents can watch and listen to the meeting online by using any web-enabled device to access this link: Zoom will walk you through the setup. If you log-in through the Zoom app, it will ask for your name and email address. If you join the meeting from your browser, you will only be asked to submit your name.
— Participants will be placed on mute until any public comment periods, at which point everyone will be given a chance to speak, one by one.
— You can also join the meeting by telephone. Call 1-669-900-9128 and input the Meeting ID 835 754 346 to listen and participate. At that time, you will be prompted to enter a unique participant ID. This will not apply to the general public, so press # to skip.
— Participants will be placed on mute until any public comment periods, at which point everyone will be given a chance to speak, one by one.
— Submit your comments to the Council in writing. Email your remarks to [email protected] by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 17.
The Newcastle City Council meeting starts at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 17. View the meeting agenda packet here.