The 2018 Newcastle City Council Town Hall meeting
Your elected City Council representatives establish the city's plans and policies during open public meetings held at City Hall. The meetings are an opportunity for you to attend and observe your local government's decision-making process. Members of the public are invited to comment during public hearings and other public comment periods, which are required at any meeting where the City Council takes final action on a proposal.
City Council Meetings
Held first and third Tuesdays of each month
Begin at 7 p.m. at City Hall
Regular Council Meetings are digitally recorded and streamed live online via YouTube.
City Council Agenda Packets
Residents can also communicate directly with Councilmembers anytime by sending them an email. Learn more about your City Council members by visiting this page.

The Council is advised by two standing commissions, the Planning Commission and Community Activities Commission. Planning Commissioners help shape Newcastle's future by providing recommendations on long-range plans and zoning and development codes. Members of the public are welcome to comment during two open public comment periods.
Planning Commission
Held the fourth Wednesday of each month
Begin at 6 p.m. at City Hall
Planning Commission Agenda Packets
Residents can also communicate directly with Planning Commissioners by sending them an email. Learn more about your Planning Commissioners by visiting this page.

Members of the Community Activities Commission make events possible, coordinate volunteer activities and advise the Council on recreational, historical, and artistic programs and improvements to the city's parks and trails. The public may comment during two open public comment periods.
Community Activities Commission
Held the second Wednesday of each month
Begin at 6 p.m. at City Hall
CAC Agenda Packets
Residents can also communicate directly with Community Activities Commissioners by sending them an email. Learn more about your Community Activities Commissioners by visiting this page.