Get Involved in Newcastle Stormwater

Everyone can help protect and improve our natural waterways. Rain that runs off of our rooftops and across our yards flows into the stormwater system, and into our streams, wetlands, and Lake Boren.

By changing actions in our daily lives, we can reduce the amount of sediment and pollutants in our stormwater system and natural waterways.

Clear Storm Drain

Adopt a storm drain today and help maintenance crews prevent flooding due to rainy weather.  Funded by King Conservation District, the Adopt-a-Drain Program helps citizens like yourself take the driver's seat on keeping Newcastle's storm water clean. Clearing drains of leaves in your neighborhood goes a long way! Only clear drains if it's safe to do so. If a storm drain appears blocked below the surface, or to report flooding, please call 425-649-4444.

Waterside Homeowners

Learn how to care for your stream or lakefront acreage by planting native

Plant Native / Natural Lawn Care

Invasive Species in King County

Washington Invasive Species
Invasive species are typically non-native plants or animals that are highly competitive over native species, often difficult to control or eliminate, and in extreme cases may be quite destructive of native ecosystems or economically valuable plant and animal resources. In King County alone, there have been over 100 noxious weeds identified. 

Scoop the Poop

Newcastle provides pet waste bags at most of our parks. Please clean up after your pet to help us keep our parks, streams, and Lake Boren clean.

Leaky car? Fix that leak!
Car Care

Drivers can learn basic car care and get a free oil-leak inspection at auto leak workshops. Remember that all of the water that washes off of your car ends up in streams and creeks. 

Check out what the SWM team does here: 
Get the Scoop on Stormwater

Want to learn more?

Here are some resources that help explain some frequent questions we have about surface water. 

Water Cycle Glossary of Terms - Provided to us by Meghen, Lauren, Sam and Fiona of Ms. Platt's class, this resource is a great tool to get the basics of understanding water cycle terms. 

Common Water Quality Concerns -
Comprehensive Fact Sheet put together by our neighbors the City of Bellevue explaining common water quality concerns included orange water and pond scum. 

Natural Bacteria Sheen -
Commonly found in wetland areas bacterial sheen is safe and normal. The best way to tell the difference between a bacterial or petroleum sheen is to swirl the sheen with a small stick. If the sheen breaks apart, it's natural. 

Utilizing Rainwater and Gravity: A Short Guide to Rain Gardens
We have so much rain in Washington, why not put it to use. Here are some quick facts and resources about rainwater and rain gardens provided by stormwater student, Amelia. 

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