Lake Boren Master Plan Implementation (P-022)
A subset of projects from the Master Plan are continuing to seek grant funding toward implementation. For the complete 2016 Lake Boren Park Master Plan Update, visit the Master Plan webpage.
Call for Bids: Due by April 11th, 2023 at 2:00pm
The City of Newcastle has released a call for bids on 3/17/2023 to construct the Crosstown Trail at Lake Boren Park. Bid Due Date was updated to 4/11. 3 bids were received on 4/11 and being evaluated before award. For more information about the bid posting, visit:
90% Design
January 2020
Consultant: Berger Partnership
As of January 2020, the project was developed to the 90% design level. The
project was on hold in 2020 and 2021. As of February 2022, the project resumes
and the 100% design, construction drawings are anticipated Spring/Summer 2022. Construction will follow.
Review the 90% design submittal (January 2020):
Design Drawings (PDF, 53.6 MB)
60% Design
August 2018
A limited subproject area is being developed to the 100% level, which includes construction drawings. Improvements in the subproject area include an elevated boardwalk, connecting paths and improvements to the beach.
As of August 2018, the project is developed to 60% design level. The 100% level is anticipated late 2018 or early 2019.
Review the 60% design submittal (August 2018):
60% Design Drawings (PDF, 31.8 MB)
30% Design
February 2018
Proposed improvements for a portion of the park are designed to the 30% level. This provides base information for this portion of the park including survey, tree inventory, wetland / stream delineation, geotechnical report, identification of potential mitigation areas, and permitting memorandum. This initial design work, to the 30% level, establishes the basis for future design phases.

30% Design area. (The base graphic is from the 2016 Master Plan. See 30% design submittal drawings link below for the most up-to-date design.)
Subproject area to be designed to 100%
A limited subproject area is selected to be developed to the 100% level, which includes construction drawings. Improvements in the subproject area include an elevated boardwalk, connecting paths and improvements to the beach. These projects were selected in order to meet high priorities established by the Master Plan:
Expand the park by providing connectivity between the main body of the park, the newly acquired areas, and the existing and proposed amenities on the eastern shores of the lake.
Provide new experiences in the park, including the opportunities to explore wooded and wetland natural areas.
Provide greater connection to the lake by providing these new experiences, connections and views.

Subproject area, 100% Design area. (The base graphic is from the 2016 Master Plan. See 30% design submittal drawings link below for the most up-to-date design.)
Design for this subproject area is scheduled for completion by the end of 2018 or beginning of 2019. This project will then be ready for construction once funding is available. In 2018, City staff will submit a grant application that, if awarded, will partially fund this project. The Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) will award the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program (WWRP) Local Parks category grants in July, 2019.
30% Design was submitted to the City in February 2018. The design team is currently proceeding with design for just for the subproject area to 100%. The design process for the remainder of the 30% design area is on hold, to be resumed under a future design contract.
Review the 30% design submittal (February 2018):
30% Design Submittal Memo (PDF, 0.2 MB)
30% Design Drawings (PDF, 34.5 MB)
30% Cost Estimate for Subproject Area (PDF, 54 KB)
30% Progress Support Documents including survey, tree inventory, wetland / stream delineation, geotechnical report, identification of potential mitigation areas, and permitting memorandum (PDF, 10.5 MB)