You will find that the men and women of the Newcastle Police Department are a dedicated, well-trained and experienced group who take pride in their work. Officers are committed to community policing, problem solving and providing exceptional service. We work with residents to keep this community safe and secure.

Newcastle Officers and Regional Resources
The city partners with the King County Sheriff's Office for policing, which provides a combination of staff who serve only Newcastle and the county's assistance and resources. Officers are on duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week and can be recognized by city marked patrol cars and blue uniforms. Newcastle also has a full-time detective and police chief. Visit this web page for more information on Newcastle's partnership with the county.
Newcastle's police are supported by King County Regional AFIS. The program provides technology, equipment and staff to recover and process fingerprints from major crime scenes. A list of possible candidates can be produced by AFIS in a matter of minutes, enabling police to solve crimes without a list of suspects. View the 2016 AFIS Annual Report for more details about the program.
Innovation to Keep You Safe and Informed
Newcastle keeps you informed with social media posts. Follow Newcastle PD on Twitter and Facebook. ALERT King County is a regional public information and notification service that alerts you during an emergency. The system has been upgraded to include voice messages to landline phones, added geographical filters and targeted alerts.
Another online resource that assists in keeping you safe in an emergency is Smart911. If you sign up for Smart911, responders will better know where to find you if you are calling from a cell phone. They also will have instant access to other information such as any special medical conditions or if you have a family pet.
Newcastle Residents Make a Difference
Tips from Newcastle residents have led to the arrest of suspects on many occasions. Use the city's website to submit anonymous tips or send an email to the police concerning suspicious activity. Don't hesitate to call the police non-emergency number at 206-296-3311 to let us know if something isn't right in your neighborhood.
Help us keep prescription medications out of the hands of people who would misuse them by dropping them off at the city's MedReturn Box located on the second floor of City Hall.
Medications can be left in their original containers, or you may remove labels and place items in a clear, sealable bag.
We accept prescription medications, patches, ointments/lotions, over-the-counter or pet medications, inhalers or unopened pre-filled auto-injectors. We cannot accept needles/syringes, vitamins, thermometers, IV bags or bloody/infectious waste, hydrogen peroxide/other chemicals, aerosol cans, mercury or iodine products, radioactive medications, business waste or used auto-injectors.
Newcastle Police partnered with Influence the Choice - Drug Prevention Alliance for Youth for this program.