On May 26, 2022, beloved Newcastle community member and Rock & Roll Hall of Famer Alan White passed away.
“We are deeply saddened to learn about Alan White’s passing,” said Newcastle Mayor Linda Newing. “We were looking forward to his return to Lake Boren Park to play at our summer concert series. Alan was a staple for our concerts and for Newcastle Days, and he and his wife, Gigi, have always been great supporters of the City and our events. Our hearts are with his family, and we’ll miss him.”
Alan White was the longtime drummer for the band Yes. He was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 2017, and September 12 was declared Alan White Day in Newcastle that same year. He played on John Lennon’s Imagine album and continued with his own band, White, until the time of his death. This year, we’ll celebrate Alan’s life during our Newcastle Days festivities on September 10 in Lake Boren Park. More information will be forthcoming as these plans are developed.